BioSystems and Micromechanics (BioSyM) IRG
What is the BioSyM IRG?
The SMART BioSyM IRG has three major areas of focus. First and foremost is the development of new technologies to address critical medical and biological questions applicable to a variety of diseases. Second, is the further development of these technologies to provide novel solutions for the healthcare industry. Third is to provide a constant source of new technologies to the broader Singapore research infrastructure.
BioSyM brings together a multidisciplinary team of faculties and researchers from MIT and Singapore's Universities (NUS and NTU) and Research Institutes. Collaborate with researchers from Universities, Research Institutes, and industries in Singapore and Asia.
The Purpose/Goal of BioSyM
To become the focal point for translating cutting edge science into novel technologies for human healthcare.
To develop enabling biotechnologies that will create the next generation of scientific discoveries and will lead to advances in our understanding of biological phenomena and the development of new diagnostic/therapeutic assays and translation into clinical practice.